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Our Inactive Lifestyle Is A Killer!

Think about it…how payday loans without a checking account much do we really move in a day? Are you sitting as you read this right now? I know that getting one hour of time payday loans online for exercise each day is a huge challenge. What used to be walking to work, communicating face to face, or physically even having to show up is now just a click away. It takes a conscious effort and major planning these days to avoid Sedentarism. Think about it, the typical American now drives to work, sits eight hours at a desk, drives home to eat, and then sits payday loans las vegas and watches television to relax. That’s a lot of sitting around.

So what’s the big deal? Being sedentary may decrease your lifespan, increases risk of obesity , heart disease, high blood pressure, cancers and payday loans dallas tx diabetes. The numbers show the facts…

Sedentarism causes 1.9 million deaths each year around the globe.

In the United States, physical inactivity together with obesity comprised 9.4 percent of the national health expenditure (US$94 billion) in 1995. (1)

So what is the solution for those of us chained to our desks day in and day out? How can we get the recommended 60 minutes a day of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, and make time to add exercise into the work day?


  • Always take the stairs at the office or when out and about.
  • Walk during payday loans no credit check your lunch break and why not include a business meeting with that walk.
  • Take a business call walking around instead payday the heist of sitting at the desk.
  • Find active ways to unwind in the evening instead of sitting in front of the TV.
  • Make activity one of your top three priorities for online payday loans direct lenders the day.
  • If payday loan companies you are goal oriented and data driven, purchase an activity monitor like the BodyMedia FIT to track sleep, calories and even exercise patterns.
  • Move to increase your payday 3 circulation and relieve spinal pressure every 30 minutes. Get up from that desk 16 x/day!

Ref: 1. Sedentarism Rises, Becomes Global Health Hazard

by Ilkka Vuori, M.D., Ph.D., Temporary Physical Activity Expert, World Health Organization (Geneva), Tampere, Finland



Successful Aging Tips...At Any Age

Successful Aging


Whether you are 27, 57 or fourscore and seven years old, you can benefit from the following tips for successful aging because they are the same actions that can lead to happy and healthy living, whether you are a young or an older adult. Successful aging means active attention to the physical, emotional, and social realms of living. It is defined by gerontologists as having three major components:

          1. Low probability of disease or disability
          2. High cognitive and physical function
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          3. Active engagement with life

Now, on any given day, I may not feel very successful with my own aging according to these three parameters. The high cognitive capability being the first to go if there is too much on my plate or I didn’t get a good night’s sleep. In that case, I’m not feeling successful

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with anything, let alone with aging! But, there are steps to take and habits to solidify to ensure that you are supporting your body in its battle with the ravages of time. We can’t quite roll back the hands of time, but by keeping fit and healthy today, we can look forward to celebrating the gift of life on many more future birthdays.

TAKE ACTION…commit to making one of these actions a new or re-discovered habit in your life (dare to share with us via twitter or face book):

1. Use It or Lose It : If you want the ability to do something, you have to actually do it and then keep doing it. Challenge yourself physically, mentally and socially to be your best.

2. Keep Moving : Physical activity is the closest thing to a fountain of youth. For optimum fitness, combine strength training, endurance, flexibility and balance in your exercise regimen.

3. Challenge Your Mind: Learning a new skill strengthens multiple

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areas of your brain. Curiosity will keep your brain working fast and efficiently.

4. Stay Connected: Maintaining a network of close friends and being part of a community is the key ingredient to daily experiences of happiness.

5. Lower the Risks: By getting regular physicals and being proactive about your health, you can lower your risk for genetic, environmental and lifestyle-related medical issues.

6. Eat for the Long Haul: Eat your fruits and vegetables, stay hydrated and eat mainly fresh and wholesome foods in portion sizes your body can balance.

7. Enjoy Your Unique Self : Following your heart will keep you dynamic, creative, and full of zest for living.

8. Wherever You Are, Be There : Don’t let your chattering mind take you from enjoying never-to-be-repeated moments of life. Follow and enjoy pursuits such as listening to music, viewing art, or enjoying nature to keep your mind present and in the moment.

9. Keep Children in Your Life and Keep Your Inner Child Alive: Children bring wonder, renewal and a sense of optimism to our lives. Whatever your age, you can be young at heart.

10. Laugh: Laughter stimulates the immune system, protects us from disease and definitely makes the journey more fun.


Ref: research from the MacArthur Foundation


Save Up Those Sick Days…Immunity-boosting foods you need to know about

Kale Boosts Immunity

No matter how much you coat yourself with hand sanitizer or hold your breath whenever you hear someone sneezing, staying healthy during the winter always seems just out of reach. Suddenly, you’re down for the count and up to date on reality TV! Add to your preventive arsenal this season by incorporating specific foods and drinks that give your body a natural immunity boost. These foods contain ingredients that add an extra flu-fighting punch to your diet and work with your body processes to keep you on your top game.
TAKE ACTION…add one of these foods into your diet today and try adding all of these foods into your diet this week (share with us via twitter or face book):